Just three months away from hitting the big 4-0, and with my youngest almost turning one, the chaos of the newborn phase and sleepless nights were finally fading. I was officially done with having more kids, and all three were sleeping through the night. I wasn’t a zombie anymore, and life was slowly getting back to “normal”—whatever that means with three lively kids running the show. Even though I had all the pieces for a fulfilling life—a regular meditation and breath work practice, therapy sessions, a loving family, supportive friends, an impactful coaching business—there was this subtle sense of disconnection within my body.

I lived in loose-fitting clothes, avoided full-length mirrors, and rarely appeared in pictures with my kids. I was the mom who hid behind the scenes and the Instagram influencer who showed herself through selfies, partly because the full-body version of me seemed like a total stranger. It was like I was renting space to some foreign body.

Before kids, I was always petite but never strong. In my 20s, I was a cardio junkie (the elliptical was my drug of choice), constantly counting calories (with a fat-free fixation) stuck in a “carbs are the devil” mindset. Even though I dabbled with working with a personal trainer I was more obsessed with staying skinny, then building strength.

As motherhood took centre stage, gym visits dwindled, replaced by home workouts with The Mirror, pilates,barre, and the occasional strength training session. However, the consistent results I craved just didn’t happen. I felt stuck, confused and lacked structured workout plans and nutritional understanding that I so desperately needed.

I thought I was “healthy-ish,” but it was a facade. Poor eating habits include indulging in pizza and ice cream every Friday, with veggie quesadillas being my only dose of greens in a day, salad aversion, green juice addictions, unchecked chocolate chip cookie bingeing, and paying no attention to protein intake. Tracking macros, strength training, steps, and hydration were foreign concepts.

I told my husband, Chirag, that when I was done having kids, I wanted to invest in a personal trainer to get into shape. I was finally ready for change. But it was clear—I was a complete amateur at working out, desperately needed help with my diet, and needed to break free from the unhealthy norms of skinny-girl culture and diet myths.

I was ready to finally do this right, and I wouldn’t be mad if I got some abs along the way. But the challenge was finding support that fit my busy mom-of-three, no-set-schedule lifestyle. And so, the quest for a solution that matched my lifestyle began.


When you ask, you shall receive.” The universe seemed to align with my vision of wanting to prioritize my health. Only two weeks after telling Chirag my desire to find a personal trainer to help me get back in shape, KMAK dropped transformation pictures of our friend Melissa Patel on Instagram. Let’s just say those pictures were nothing short of jaw-dropping, and I’m pretty sure they broke the internet. The empowerment was on another level because I knew Melissa personally, and there’s something about witnessing someone you know go through a significant transformation that provides undeniable social proof that it works.

Melissa’s pictures on Instagram that day, but that night we found ourselves on the same wavelength, discussing her incredible journey. Chirag had recently received concerning blood report results, prompting him to seek a fitness transformation (he had never worked with a trainer before). He reached out to Kunal first and was sold on Kunal’s flexible approach to food and working out, and it was exactly what he needed.

He came home stoked and insisted that I book a call with Kunal. Before my call, I found out that my friend Preyasi, who had given birth to her second daughter a day after mine, was also working with KMAK.

After chatting with both Melissa and Preyasi, it was clear—this journey was made for me too. Seeing their resilience and success firsthand convinced me that the KMAK method really works and they were my inspirations to take on a similar journey of change. When I talked to Kunal, it just clicked. No need for convincing or overthinking – it felt right. The flexibility to exercise on my own time, the essential nutritional support, and the guidance on posture adjustments through video uploads all aligned perfectly with what I needed. It just fell into place effortlessly. And it was even more awesome that Chirag and I were going to go through the KMAK journey together and our kids would watch us go through it together.


“MY WHY’S” I shared in the beginning of my journey with Kunal still hold true now.

1. First Why: Self-Reclamation

In my 30s, my body was all about supporting my kids—pregnancy, birth and nursing. Entering my 40s, my focus shifted inward. My primary “why” became reclaiming my body for myself. I wanted to feel safe in my skin, comfortable in my body, proud of my strength and overall harmony in my mind, body and energy. Having invested ample time in yoga, meditation & breathing, it was now time to pivot toward included healthy movement too.

2. Second Why: Being Healthy + Present For My Kids

When my mom was 40, she had a 16 and 10 year olds. When I turned 40 I had a 7, 4 and 1 year old. Having kids later in life makes you really question how long you’ll be around for your kids. If I’m serious about being the present mom as these munchkins turn into adults, my health needs a front-row seat


The quality of my next 40+ years depends on how I show up today. I didn’t want to rely on meds or my kids when I’m older. I want to be that healthy mom who shows her kids that meditation, strength training, and well-balanced meals are the keys to staying strong and vibrant.

3. Third WHY: Being an authentic IG mom “thought-fluencer”

I decided right from the beginning I wanted to keep it transparent and share my progress in real-time – not just the highlight reel of my fitness journey.

Hiding this part of my life from my mom followers and then unveiling a transformed version felt inauthentic. My goal was to inspire by showcasing the
highs, lows, and everything in between, making steps, strength training, and eating well seem achievable for busy moms.

Sharing my struggles and successes had a purpose—to ignite a spark in others to find their rhythm with food, fitness, and strength training. I wanted to break the stigma around moms taking time for themselves, emphasizing that it’s essential to be the best person, partner and parent they hope to be.

Turning 40, there’s a common misconception that it’s all downhill for women—youth gone, beauty faded, and worth diminishing with age. I set out to declare that confidence, strength, and beauty can be unwavering as we age. It’s entirely possible to feel strong, sexy, and comfortable in your post-baby 40s body.


What’s been truly incredible about this journey is that it’s not just Chirag and me on this path; our kids have been active participants too.

From Ayaan observing Kunal’s initial call to all three kids having a front row seat to witnessing both their parents take charge of their health and fitness, it’s been a family affair.

They have watched us transform our diet, staying active, and incorporating workouts into our routines. It has become the new normal for all of us.

Being the chef at home, it was a blessing that we both took on this journey together. No cooking two different meals and having temptations of the other indulging while the other is trying to stay on track. We really helped support each other when one needed to get their steps or a workout.

The other one would just swoop in with taking care of the kids and vice versa. It was a team effort.

The coolest part —the unexpected wins with the kids!

Ayaan, when bored, hops on the walking pad to get his steps. We’ve had family discussions about well-balanced plates and identifying proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. Rihaan, our early riser, even joins in on workouts, mimicking and modeling our routines.

Our youngest Sahana has grown up watching me eat balanced meals and naturally gravitates to the same healthy options like I eat like cottage cheese, edamame spaghetti, tofu, and egg bites. It’s been a journey that truly involves and benefits our entire family. It feels so good as a parent to know that we are setting a positive example for them. They’ll grow up seeing parents who prioritise their physical, mental and spiritual wellness and this will be a normal and natural thing for them to do when they grow up too.


The KMAK training became more than just a fitness routine; it was a holistic transformation. It wasn’t just about sculpting my body it was a mental makeover addressing deep-seated issues like perfectionism, revamping my routine, and transforming my relationship with food. The weekly check-ins weren’t just accountability; they felt like mini Ted Talk motivational sessions, the highlight of my week. The impact of KMAK went beyond the mirror – it was a ripple effect changing how I approached each day.

Officially joining the 5 AM club; I swapped late nights for early mornings, incorporating meditation, walks, warm lemon water and was waking up to a whole new positive vibe for the day. My relationship with food underwent a major overhaul. At first, I noticed I was like a human garbage disposal, mindlessly snacking on my kids’s leftovers, but with KMAK, I broke the habit of using food to cope with stress. Being mindful of my macros helped me start recognising the difference between genuine hunger cues and those moments of stress-induced munchies. I started to listen to my body and eat in a way that respected my body’s needs, not just my cravings. Late-night TV snacking became a thing of the past as I embraced mindful choices, viewing food as fuel and nourishment rather than a comfort or crutch. Cutting out evening TV binging and having an earlier bedtime really helped break this habit.

Revamping my diet with protein shakes, edamame spaghetti, and leafy greens, I felt a profound change from my pre-KMAK days. And I truly have never felt better!

The most challenging part?

The most challenging aspect was learning to embrace my post-baby belly with its newfound wrinkles and saggy skin. Opening up about my insecurities with Kunal he empowered me to see my body with pride and it gave me the courage to openly talk about body positivity on Instagram. I aimed to start a conversation about accepting our post-miracle mom bodies. This journey wasn’t about pursuing a perfect 6-pack; it was about accepting our post-miracle body imperfections with pride. 

The mantra “Judgment has no home here,” when talking about our post-baby stomachs, deeply resonated with fellow moms. I hope to carry this body positivity message forward and instill it in our daughters. Learning to love, appreciate, and accept my imperfectly perfect mom body was a profound win for me. I would never have gotten to this place mentally without taking the steps to actually care for my body and show that I love it by nurturing it with the foods I eat and movement through the KMAK journey.

From Ayaan observing Kunal’s initial call to all three kids having a front row seat to witnessing both their parents take charge of their health and fitness, it’s been a family affair.

They have watched us transform our diet, staying active, and incorporating workouts into our routines. It has become the new normal for all of us.

Being the chef at home, it was a blessing that we both took on this journey together. No cooking two different meals and having temptations of the other indulging while the other is trying to stay on track. We really helped support each other when one needed to get their steps or a workout.

The other one would just swoop in with taking care of the kids and vice versa. It was a team effort.


In my 20s and 30s, working out was about staying skinny. But after three pregnancies, I found myself clueless about getting in shape. As a recovering perfectionist, my all-or-nothing mentality left me in cycles of working out, followed by falling off the waggon and losing motivation when I didn’t see any shifts in my body. With KMAK, I learned that consistency, not perfection, is the key.

My results with KMAK wasn’t because I was perfect, it was because I was consistent and didn’t give up. Through weddings, vacations, holidays and
even hospital stays with my sick son, Kunal supported me to make the best decisions so I wouldn’t fall off track. I learned to navigate real-life social situations confidently, making the best choices without shame or self-criticism.

Did cheating on meals, missing workouts, or missing daily steps count as goals? Abso-freakin-loutely—but this was the exception and NOT the norm. What mattered was the big picture—doing the non-negotiable more days than not doing them.

Kunal’s been my anchor. His practical tips and unwavering faith, even when I doubted myself, were game-changers. He didn’t just celebrate the big wins; he highlighted the small victories, keeping me motivated. In our check-ins, he emphasised the importance of staying consistent, pushing me to keep the momentum alive. It’s like having a coach who sees success in every step, making the journey more rewarding.

My perspective isn’t about perfection its become about winning the day, and doing what’s in my control. One missed workout or a not-so healthy meal doesn’t erase everything. Just like one good workout and healthy meal doesn’t miraculously get you into shape.

The KMAK journey has helped me on my journey as a recovering perfectionist and shift my perspective that life (not just fitness) is NOT an all-or-nothing game. Its about having structure, discipline and flexibility (without guilt) when unexpected things happen. And above all the grit to keep going forward.

In the beginning, I saw myself as a mom who was trying to lose the baby fat. But as the journey went on I started to see myself as a mom who
works out because I’m a strong and disciplined. It wasn’t just a physical change; it reshaped how I perceived and treated my body.

Living this holistic lifestyle has been a dream come true—achieving step targets, hitting macros, engaging in strength training, and prioritising
sleep, mediation and stillness too. 

These aren’t just tasks on my checklist; they’ve seamlessly become a core part of who I am. When I reflect on myself, I see a mom dedicated to prioritising my mind, body, and soul— an example for my kids and fellow moms. This transformation is not fleeting; it’s a heartfelt commitment
to a fulfilling and enduring lifestyle.


From Ayaan observing Kunal’s initial call to all three kids having a front row seat to witnessing both their parents take charge of their health and fitness, it’s been a family affair.

They have watched us transform our diet, staying active, and incorporating workouts into our routines. It has become the new normal for all of us.

Being the chef at home, it was a blessing that we both took on this journey together. No cooking two different meals and having temptations of the other indulging while the other is trying to stay on track. We really helped support each other when one needed to get their steps or a workout.

The other one would just swoop in with taking care of the kids and vice versa. It was a team effort.


When people ask me what life post photoshoot is like well, it’s all about embracing the KMAK 2.0 lifestyle — rinse, rise, repeat.

The essentials like water, walks, well balanced meals, and workouts remain non-negotiable. Kunal’s truth bomb, “Getting in shape is easy, staying in
shape is the hard part,
” struck a chord. 

I knew reverting to old habits meant reverting to my old body.

The photoshoot body was a year of dedication, commitment, and laser focus, not perfection but determination. I never wanted to go back I want to go forward toward building more strength, endurance flexibility and longevity.

From day one I didn’t want my journey with KMAK to be this quick-fix. This wasn’t about shedding a few pounds quickly; it was about cultivating a sustainable, long-term lifestyle.

Above all, I felt acknowledged and supported throughout the entire journey. The physical transformation maybe what you can see but it was all possible based on the inner transformation that took place. This is a whole lifestyle shift. It’s not just workouts; its a vibe. A way to live. And I’m so grateful to have been on the journey and looking forward to keep on continuing forward with the KMAK 2.0. journey of strength, endurance and longevity.


Navigating the challenges of being a busy mom, trying to squeeze in workouts, getting your steps, worrying about the message your kids might get eating different meals from them—it’s a familiar narrative because, believe me, I’ve been there too.

Now, standing on the other side of seamlessly incorporating physical wellness into my daily life, I can confidently share some hard-earned truths. For nearly nine months, my workouts were done right at home. No fancy gym equipment—just a bench, free weights, a yoga mat, and, okay, a treadmill we already had (though you don’t even need that; a walking pad works well, especially if you’re stuck indoors with young kids or live in a colder climate).

Funny enough, I didn’t even have a walking pad until eight months into my journey. Sure, it definitely makes life easier now, but back then, I’d rack up my steps by strolling outdoors on nice days or pacing around my kids’ playroom or kitchen island on rainy ones.

I vividly remember Kunal’s confidence that the gym wasn’t a must for my transformation. I could achieve my fitness goals with minimal equipment in the comfort of my home. In fact, for nearly 9 months, all of my workouts were from home. It was my personal choice to push my strength and join a gym because strength training was now a non-negotiate and it didn’t take much effort to motivate myself to get my butt up early and go the gym.

Ultimately it was my choice not something pushed on to me by my trainer.

Now, onto food. I needed a crash course on portion control and balanced meals before introducing these changes to my kids. As they watched me evolve, their curiosity sparked, and now, healthy habits are second nature to them. Slowly, separate meals merged into nourishing family dinners.

Leading by example, without coercion was the key for this integration to happen. Sure some days we still eat separate meals, but often, they’ll enjoy a vacation of what we’re eating.

The KMAK approach guides you step-by-step create a sustainable health routine and personalized guidance so you experience lasting change. One thing (out of countless) I appreciated most about KMAK’s process is the flexibility. It’s about integrating fitness into your life, not turning your world upside down to fit a one-size-fits-all mold

So, if you’re feeling stuck in habits that aren’t supporting your highest self and you’re craving structure, support, and flexibility to integrate a healthy lifestyle into your unique schedule, KMAK’s online coaching could be the game changer you’re seeking. But I get it- change can be scary. We all have a laundry list of reasons why something won’t work for us in the beginning.

But here’s the thing – if you genuinely desire change, what have you got to lose by giving it a shot? The process is proven, the results are real, but the magic happens when you put in the sweat equity. So, are you ready to do the heavy lifting? (Pun intended!) 

Sharing my fitness journey on social media isn’t about showcasing results. It’s about providing you social proof that if someone like me, with zero prior strength training experience, can dive in and succeed with KMAK Fitness, then you definitely can too!

You can embrace your very own healthy, vibrant KMAK lifestyle you desire and DESERVE!

I am forever grateful to Kunal and the amazing KMAK team being pillars of positivity n my wellness journey. Thanks to Kunal, I’ve gained discipline, a deeper appreciation and acceptance for my body and probably added a few more healthy years to my life. The invaluable lessons are a part of who I am, and I can confidently say I have changed (for the better) after embracing this transformative KMAK journey.


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