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In 2016, Anish was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to undergo chemotherapy. As a result, he experienced many of the side-effects, including losing his hair.

Throughout this difficult very time, Anish dug deep into himself to see what he wanted to get from life. One of these ambitions was to become a better person and be the best version of himself he could possibly be – including being able to play golf at 90.

Since recovering from cancer, Anish stayed true to his promises

Fulfilling His Promise

Improving his physical health and fitness was a top priority for Anish, and while he worked out at home post recovery, his training lacked direction and structure and his diet wasn’t great. Anish realised that he needed help to truly reach his full potential and fulfil his promise to himself.

Going through the physical transformation process is physically and mentally challenging, and Anish was concerned whether he could manage it. Despite beating cancer, Anish was aware of the changes to his body and wondered whether he was mentally prepared to put himself through the transformation process.

“Since recovering from cancer, l had a renewed vision to become fitter. The next step was to understand where I was mentally. Was I willing to take the pain and struggle to achieve? I would fall back to the time had chemo and would think, if this is done by me then muscle soreness is nothing to worry about. Another factor to consider was being very conscientious about my surgery areas due to hernias.”

But a promise is a promise, and with everything Anish had been through, he realised: “I CAN DO THIS!

Making Every Moment Count
Anish was recommended KMAK Fitness by a family member and began his transformation journey with coach Saj. Right from the start of his transformation journey, Anish threw himself into the entire transformation process with a fervent fuel and fire. He pushed for progression in his training, worked hard to implement structures and maintain consistency, and soaked up every ounce of knowledge he could. With his vision of being able to play golf when he is 90, Anish is making the absolute most out of his journey and is not taking any of it for granted.

A lot of clients simply like to just be told what to do and follow a plan, but not Anish. Anish likes to take the bull by the horns and take full ownership and learn as much as he can so he can implement his new life skills and knowledge and put them into practice.

Whilst keeping consistent with his plan, Anish has been experimenting with marinades and food pairings, eliminating decision fatigue and having greater control over adjustments to his nutrition.

“I have increased knowledge of food impact, manage my lifestyle with greater efficiency, I have the access to sound board my thoughts and pre-discuss socials, and I have the peace of mind the actions are based on educated processes.

“I have seen unbelievable results in a short time. I told Saj on my first zoom call to introduce ourselves that “I am going to make this easy for you”. I resolved to keeping my head down and focused on the information and guidance. ln 3 months I got shredded, did a photoshoot, and now packing on the weight, so on track, happy days!”

Looking to the Future
It has been five years since Anish was diagnosed with cancer, and he now feels confident with his body. One of the biggest breakthroughs for Anish was seeing abs come through, as he was self-conscious about the scars on his abdomen as a result from his surgery. But to look at Anish now, his scars are not only hidden by his abs, but they’re hard to see through his new-found confidence. While his physical transformation has been amazing (especially having been achieved in such a short time frame given Anish’s tenacity and determination), Anish’s confidence, conviction, and willpower have strengthened with every step he has taken.

Anish’s eagerness to learn has made him more in tune with his own body, so he can make better decisions and build healthy habits that will see him through to his nineties.

“I would say it is hugely rewarding when you start to understand the reasoning and science behind the process. I have renewed emphasis on maintaining this health and fitness levels. I believe my goals have evolved to include the need to maintain and incorporate the good habits till it is not an added thing but a thing I do as part of my identity.

I have discovered I CAN DO THIS!


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