Deep's Intro Pic

From Kenya With Love

Before joining KMAK Fitness, the Koroga lifestyle where he goes out with his fellow sociable people and enjoys the evening with food and drinks, was one of the main reasons why it was difficult for him to get in shape. He overindulged and was obsessed with the Koroga experience.

His lifestyle was all about having fun, but it turned out to be very unhealthy. Deep Shah’s social circle revolved around going out to bars, drinking alcohol, and eating all the wrong foods. As a result, he ballooned up to 98 kg—and his health suffered as well. He found himself feeling lethargic and unhealthy, which led him to be unhappy with his life.

The Hesitation

The previous programmes he took part in had changed his lifestyle completely, but when he went back to enjoying his life, he gained weight instantly. And then he gets depressed about his body and his health, which makes him feel worse than ever.

So when Deep heard about our online coaching programme, he was hesitant to join because every other programme he had tried before had been unsustainable. The other programmes changed his life completely, but when he went back to enjoying himself, the weight just came back on again. He couldn’t sustain a healthy lifestyle because it wasn’t sustainable for him. His biggest fear about joining the our programme was that he would not be able to sustain a healthy lifestyle. He had tried many other fitness programmes in the past, but none of them were sustainable for him. He didn’t want to go through that again—he wanted something sustainable.

The Breakthrough

Seeing a friend doing it, and a shoutout to Jayesh Maru, a fellow Kenyan who also lost 20kg in the process with us, Deep Shah is set to start his own transformation process.

His fitness journey with us has been a fruitful one,, but it’s one that he wouldn’t trade for anything. His biggest breakthrough was understanding the process, which gave him a new perspective on life.

The  process educated him on different aspects of his physical and mental journey. He learned that you can still enjoy your social life while eating right and living a healthy lifestyle. Everything should be done in moderation, within your limits—and if you’re able to do that, there’s no limit to what you can achieve!

The Result

Back then, food was a real problem for him. He once thought of going back to his muscular physique when he took so many fitness programmes before. But we told him that he can do more than just get back in shape; he can be a better version of himself.

He came all the way from Kenya, with a weight of 98kg. And 35 weeks later, he lost 32 kg. He is now wrapping up at 66.3kg while rocking those abs.

But what makes Deep’s transformation even more incredible is that he did it while enjoying his social lifestyle.

How He Felt and How it Affected His Lif

Deep has never been healthy in his life. He knows how good it feels to be healthy, and he wants you to know too. There’s no reason for you to stop living your best life.

The sustainability of our fitness coaching programme is all about being social even after the programme. Once you’re on your own, you can still live the lifestyle you’ve been enjoying before. It’s not just about the fitness programme—it’s about the lifestyle change that comes afterwards.

It’s not just about having a great body—it’s about living life to its fullest!

Take Action and Get the Support You Need

You know how it is. You’ve got a busy life, and sometimes your health goals get pushed to the back burner. But Deep knows that when you take action towards your health, you feel better about yourself, and you can have more energy for the other things in life that matter most.

But he also knows that it can be hard—he’s been there himself! So he wants to help people make a difference in their lives by taking action towards their health goals and making sure they have support along the way—and he knows how hard it can be sometimes, but the result is priceless!


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