You are about to meet an amazing woman who is determined to reclaim her health and make a new start. She is an example of what can be accomplished through perseverance and the life-altering effect of sticking with one’s dreams.

Let’s delve into Heena’s amazing journey as she describes it. Come explore her motivational story of coming into her own and her quest for a better, healthier life with us, told in her own words.

Devastating Knee Injury
I was always a happy size 12–14, but when I had to buy size 16 clothes, that’s when I knew I had to do something. After having a bucket handle tear injury on my left knee, my mobility has slowed down, and my body weight just went up. I had my knee surgery, and I started going swimming to get fit and then did a lot of cardio. I came home and ate the same calories I had burned. I never knew anything about calorie deficit, just thought that if I burned 300 calories, that meant I could eat a muffin. I was always at the gym doing cardio and was always wondering why I was not losing weight. Then one day, I climbed two flights of stairs, and I was so out of breath and my knee was hurting, I just knew then that I seriously needed to do something.
Making The First Move
I joined KMAK initially just to try this new diet that was on the market. You name it, and I have done all the diets: Atkins, juice diet, Clean 9, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, 21-day diet, 16-hour fast, 5/2 diet. I thought, “Let’s try this new diet now.” I tried for 3 months and lost 5 kg, then thought, “Wow, the result.” I know what I am doing now. I tried to do it myself, and I ended up back at square one. I joined KMAK again, and this time I listened and did everything by design. I came as a different person and with a different mindset. I was logging all my food accurately, pushing myself with my workouts, and walking everywhere I could. My step counts were always above KMAK’s limit. I realised that this was my journey and that no one else could do it but me. Kmak was there to guide me, but it was a journey. My why had also changed from just trying a new diet to “I want to get toned. Halfway through my journey, my why kept evolving, and I fell in love with my strength training. For me now, if I don’t go to the gym, my day just doesn’t feel right!

Food And Social Life

My journey wasn’t a straight one. I was working long hours, and every week I was travelling either within the UK or abroad. If I were in the UK, I would manage my meal plans and get myself organised. I prepped my meals and travelled with them where I could. Where I found it harder was when I was in either China or Japan, as vegetarian food was harder to find, especially protein-wise. I took my protein travel sachets with me where I could, but when you get taken out by your customers, to try and be polite, I ate with them. My social life was also hectic, and I love spending time with my family and friends. So I learned to manage my food better in order to enjoy my socials.
The ”Giving Up” Moment
There were times when I felt like giving up. Only because at times I got bored of dieting. However, in the end, what kept me going was my goal. As mentioned previously, my reasons kept evolving. I’ve wanted to climb Kilimanjaro ever since I was a little girl. In 2017, when I climbed Rainbow Mountain in Peru, I was the fat one who was always 15 minutes behind the group. I knew I kept the group waiting for me, and I felt so bad. I hated my body at that time. In my mind, I was fighting so many issues—why am I not fit? What is wrong with me? I felt bad holding everyone up. When Kunal asked me what one thing I wanted to do, I told him about Kilimanjaro. All he said was, “Let’s get you there.” For me, those words were like a godsend. Kunal coached me weekly and kept reminding me of my goal. I climbed Kilimanjaro, which was physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually tough on me. However, when I was climbing, I just kept remembering why.

The New Stronger Heena

I am now a mountain lover. In a year, I try to climb at least three mountains, as not only do I get my steps in, but I also get stronger and stronger both physically and mentally. Kunal always says I have changed completely. The Heena that joined earlier is now a different Heena, I have had an identity shift. I am a new Heena with a positive mindset who wants and gets results. I’ve climbed mountains and fallen in love with trekking on mountains while maintaining either my fat loss or muscle building stages. Heena was not confident. I have gained so much confidence, am more positive in life, and much more, all thanks to Kunal.

I am so glad I didn’t give up. I kept focusing on my goals. Once I hit my fat loss goal and did a photoshoot, I started building muscle. I remember Kunal changing my workouts, and he added rack deadlifts. I could not go in that area as that area had more men, and I felt intimidated. I remember clearly not doing that workout for four weeks, and then one day all Kunal asked me to do was lift the bar and nothing more. I got myself together, ignored everyone, and just lifted the bar.  I felt so good.  I told him that I did it, and he said to now start adding small weights. Fast forward to now, and it has become one of my favourite workouts. I love rack deadlifts now. Who would have thought I could lift 120kg! 

The Best Decision of Her Life

For my second shoot, I created non-negotiables. I drank 3 litres of water daily without fail, got my LISS done for the day, and my training was done. I prepared meals, and I found meal prep to be the key. Once the shoot date was booked, I knew I had to refocus and get back to my previous shoot weight. Throughout my journey, I have been out with my friends and on holiday, and I have maintained my weight. I have learned a lot in my journey, like being patient, that scales aren’t everything, and being authentic to myself. Right now, in my workouts, I push myself so much with the correct form. 

Joining KMAK was the best decision I have ever made. I am so glad to be a part of such a beautiful community. The support I get from fellow KMAKers is second-to-none.  I cannot thank Coach Kunal enough. This guy is a legend! I know I did all the work, however, it was his guidance, patience, and directions that got me to where I am today. #Nomorefaddiets!

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