The Ultimate Guide To Building A Sustainable Fitness Routine For South Asians.

The Ultimate Guide To Building A Sustainable Fitness Routine For South Asians.

99.9% of people have some form of health and fitness history… 

Whether it’s months spent on the gym floor trying to get in shape or simply a few attempts to change their lifestyle, almost everyone has dipped their toe in at some point.

But not everyone’s journey looks the same…

We’ve helped clients with unique life experiences… and with that – unique obstacles.

The one thing that doesn’t change is the results they deserve.

To keep things simple, we can break a relationship with fitness into three categories:

  • Those who tried once, gave up, and haven’t attempted health and fitness again.
  • Those who are on and off, struggling with consistency and seeing minimal progress.
  • And finally, those who stuck with it and have made it part of their lives.

Naturally, most people would like to fall into the third category…

But let’s not sugarcoat it: sticking with fitness is far from easy.

And for us South Asians, it’s especially hard. We face unique challenges when it comes to health and fitness…

The balancing act of family responsibilities, cultural expectations, and demanding careers is something we’ve highlighted a lot – and for good reason. 

It’s a common experience, and it often pushes fitness to the back burner.

Our traditional diets don’t always align with typical fitness goals. So we’ve got tough terrain to navigate.

If you’ve heard us mention these challenges before, it’s because they continue to be a major sticking point when it comes to sustainable compliance.

Overcoming these hurdles is absolutely possible.

At KMAKFitness, we’ve developed methods that are not only effective but sustainable. We know a better way to help you stay consistent and make real progress. 

We’ve helped countless people, and now we want to help you, too. So today, we’ll give you a glimpse inside our methods at KMAKFitness… 

How To Building A Sustainable Fitness Routine… Even If You’re Not “A Gym Person” (Yet)

The journey to better fitness doesn’t have to be overwhelming or filled with crazy, rigid rules. 

We all know that building a sustainable fitness routine is the key to long-term health and progress… 

But it has to work for you. NOT some cookie-cutter program.


So that you stick with it in a way that becomes part of your lifestyle and not just “a phase”. 

That’s why we don’t recommend generic workouts from magazines or instagram.

We don’t recommend apps that have zero customisation or personalisation.

And we don’t recommend just picking the fittest-looking person in the gym and copying what they do!

Here are some of our tried and tested methods that will help you do exactly that…

Start small:  

When starting out, it’s massively important that you don’t overwhelm yourself. Start small and gradually build from there.

Set realistic goals:  

Instead of disabling yourself with fear by setting big, scary goals. Instead, set multiple ”bitesize”, more achievable ones that give you a clear roadmap to follow as you progress.    

Consistency over perfection:  

It’s not about being perfect every single day. It’s about showing up consistently and putting yourself in the best position to be able to do that.

For example:

We have some clients that go months during busy periods in business where they don’t go to the gym at all.

Their commitment for that time is just about what they can do in a hotel gym, with the absolute bare basics. Sometimes that’s just a quick body weight circuit for 10 minutes to get the blood pumping.

We have other clients who aren’t ready to commit to training after having a baby. Their sleep is disrupted and their recovery is a bigger priority right now.

For those guys, we aim to get them on a walk every day. Out in the fresh air.

It’s about finding a way that works for you.

Mix it up: 

Incorporating variety into your workouts keeps things exciting and prevents plateaus. Include a mix of different types of training, but remember to keep them in line with what suits your requirements. 

Activities you enjoy:  

The more you enjoy your workouts, the easier it will be to stick to them. Choose exercises that make you look forward to your next session.

And for some of our clients, that’s not even about going to the gym in a traditional sense.

We have people that do yoga…

Rock climbing…

Dance classes…

Martial arts…

…and they LOVE their exercise and look forward to it.

By using these methods, you’re not just building a fitness routine – you’re creating an exercise lifestyle that will keep you fit, healthy, and motivated for years to come. 

At KMAKFitness, we work with our clients to help them explore ways of exercising that they actually like.

Click here to book that conversation today.

Focus on the long game, and the results will follow.

The healthier, stronger version of yourself is within reach – it’s all about staying the course.

The things that are hurting your progress.

When it comes to building a sustainable fitness routine, there are a ton of things that can trip you up along the way…

And if you’ve failed in the past, there will always be a reason why… 

  • Maybe it was a decision you made somewhere down the line.
  • A mindset that got in the way.
  • Or simply an approach that didn’t serve you.

Here are some of the biggest avoidable mistakes when trying to build a bulletproof fitness plan designed for long-term success:

Neglecting rest and recovery:

Overtraining or skipping rest days can lead to physical and mental burnout. Without proper recovery, your body can’t maintain the balance needed for sustainable progress. Remember, rest is as important as movement.

All-or-nothing mindset:

Believing that missing a workout or indulging in a treat ruins your entire progress can lead to a cycle of guilt and excess. The result is that people usually end up quitting. Flexibility and balance are key to staying on track long-term.

Lack of planning:

Going into your fitness journey without a clear plan or structure makes it easy to veer off track. Without planning meals, workouts, and rest days, it’s almost impossible to stay consistent and committed.

Comparison to others:

Constantly comparing your progress to others is your fast-track ticket to feeling unfulfilled. Everyone’s fitness journey is unique, and focusing on your personal growth is crucial for staying motivated and avoiding frustration. 

Building a sustainable fitness routine is about making the right decisions for YOU

It’s not about being perfect every day; instead, it’s about putting yourself in the best possible position to stay committed to the process. 

By avoiding these common pitfalls and focusing on the things that really matter, you’ll be lining yourself up for certain success.

Remember, building a sustainable fitness routine is not about reaching perfection overnight. Focus on steady progress and finding a rhythm that works for you in the long term.

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