What’s The Most Unhealthy Profession?

It’s An Eye-Opener

I stumbled across this article from The Independent titled “The 37 Jobs That Are Most Damaging to Your Health.”

Here’s the link for anyone who wants to give it a skim over:

The 37 jobs that are most damaging to your health | The Independent

The results will surprise you.

Most people think that jobs in construction and the like are the most taxing on health, but the reality is far more surprising.

According to the article, the top 10 unhealthy professions… 


Yes, you read that right, eight out of the top ten are medical professionals. 

These professionals are supposed to be the epitome of health and wellness…

But the reality is quite different… 

The constant stress and long hours take a toll on their physical and mental health.

And after the last 4 years, it’s hardly surprising. They’ve had a lot of stress to deal with.

Take Dr. Kishan. He’s a client of ours, and a true example of how a medical professional’s life can go from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye…

Kishan is a busy doctor who always had a great work/life balance:

  • He hit the gym regularly
  • Followed a training plan that pushed him
  • Ate a reasonably healthy diet. 

Kishan was far from a health and fitness enthusiast, but he was making a conscious effort. Up until Covid hit, those efforts were enough to give him the steady progress he needed.

Then the pandemic hit and it all changed massively. 

The gyms closed, pandemonium struck, and doctors drew the shortest straw available. Working hours near doubled, as did the pressure and stress that came with it. 

All motivation to stay on top of his health and fitness left Kishan as fast as his energy drained. 

So even if he found the motivation to train at home, he didn’t have the know-how, equipment, or the energy…

That’s when the wheels came off.

  • Training got lost to more stress
  • Healthy meals swapped for daily fast food
  • Time to relax was suffocated by more work

It’s safe to say Kishan went full circle, from one extreme to the other, and he was rapidly 22 lbs heavier for the troubles.

Imagine, a guy who has been in decent shape all his adult life, to have his world turned upside down in the blink of an eye. 

From training in the gym & working to promote health, to getting out of breath from walking up the hospital stairs…

He knew he needed change, and he found it with us at KMAKFitness…

We believe in a holistic approach to health and fitness. It’s not just about getting fitter, or slimming down, it’s about transforming your entire life. 

When Kishan came to us, his life had already just changed drastically, but it was all downside.

This time, the changes would be for the better.

At the time of us stepping in, Kishan’s diet consisted mainly of take out and drive-throughs.

He needed convenience.

We reintroduced good food that was easy to cook and armed him with all the nutritional information that he needed to succeed.

We also had to address Kishan’s training…

We removed the struggle of the unknown and built him a plan that he could follow no matter what was going on in the world around him…

The plan not only complimented Kishan’s busy schedule, but his energy levels too.

New habits, an overhauled lifestyle, with all the change that was going on it was only right to put systems in place that made it all easy to maintain…

A weekly meal prep schedule and consistent workout routine reduced mental effort and temptation.

We installed simple to use tracking tools that kept him accountable, ensuring his healthy habits became a permanent part of his life.

Kishan’s transformation was incredible…

In just eight months, he lost an astonishing 66 pounds, and achieved a physique that far surpassed where he was before. But more importantly, he gained so much more…

Confidence, better health, and a renewed outlook on life. His journey is a testament to the power of a holistic approach to health and fitness.

But Kishan’s experience is not unique…

A lot of healthcare workers found themselves in similar situations during Covid, and still are now…

The struggle to find balance between their demanding jobs and personal wellbeing is real… 

The long hours and high stress environments leave little room for self care unless managed properly. 

That sets us up for our next question nicely…

Are Doctors Still Role Models?

Are doctors still role models for health…?

The short answer is, not always. 

The longer answer is, they can be, but it requires effort… 

Doctors are only human. They face the same struggles with weight, stress, and mental health as their patients do. 

How Does Stress Affect Weight Loss?

Doctors face more than their fair share of pressure and stress.

Most put the responsibility of their job over their own needs, and that usually results in one thing…


The constant pressure and absence of a work/life balance make it hard for them to prioritise their own health and wellbeing.

That sets a bad example for their patients.

Bad Choices

Busy schedules mean a lot of doctors resort to quick, unhealthy food options. Skipping meals or relying on fast food to make up time.

Living a life like this often means a lot of doctors forgo the healthy lifestyle that they promote for their patients in their own life, and undermine the health advice they give out.

Not Moving Enough

Without a proper plan and structure, doctors can find all of their time eaten up by work and responsibilities, leaving little time for exercise. 

The long shifts and sedentary lifestyle naturally leads to weight gain and health issues if left unchecked.

Doctors spend their lives looking after their patients. So it was my honour to support Dr. Kishan with his health.

With the right plan, they can overcome these challenges and become the role model that they once were for their patients, their families, and themselves…

Kishan is proof of that.

At KMAK Fitness, we’ve helped many healthcare professionals regain their health, fitness, and confidence. 

Our work shows that it’s never too late to crush your goals, no matter your situation or profession.

Most of us aren’t doctors. 

But more and more people have got remote work, work from home, or sedentary responsibilities now compared with 5 years ago.

Does Working from Home Make You Gain Weight?

The pandemic changed each and every one of our lives, and the way we live them…

  • How we work.
  • Where we work.
  • The way that we approach exercise.

It’s all changed, massively. 

But it has also brought another question to the forefront.

Does working from home make you gain weight…? 

The answer is, YES – at least it can. 

Working from home naturally leads to a more sedentary lifestyle… 

No need to commute to and from work, fewer opportunities to move around, and more temptation to snack throughout the day… 

The lack of a structured schedule can lead to bad eating habits like eating out of boredom, stress, or simply because you’re in your house and you can! 

The kitchen is just a few steps away, making it easy to give in to temptation and dive into the snack cupboard more than once throughout the day. When you’re stressed or bored, comfort food is a go to solution.

So, how do we fight this?

Structure – Start your day at the same time, schedule regular breaks to move, and set specific times for meals and snacks…

This can help you avoid mindless eating and ensure you’re getting enough physical activity throughout the day.  

Train From Home With A Plan –  Without the need to commute you have more flexibility to fit in workouts throughout your day. Work to a home workout structure that fits your schedule and preferences. Whether it’s a morning run, a lunchtime walk, or evening strength training, find activities you enjoy and make them a regular part of your day.

Prioritising Mental Health – Working from home can blur the lines between our personal and professional lives. That usually spells one thing…

Increased stress!

Prioritise your mental health by setting boundaries between work and personal time. A healthy mind goes hand in hand with a healthy body, and managing stress effectively can prevent the negatives that come with it.

Small changes can make a big difference…

The key to working from home and still working towards your health and fitness goals is to take action…

Implement those changes, and stay as consistent as you possibly can.

How to Lose 66 Pounds Like Kishan

Kishan’s journey back to health is inspiring for us all.

But it can be a more urgent need for some groups of people than others.

Fat Loss for South-East Asian Americans

Asian Americans are more prone to diabetes and heart disease. 

That makes managing diet and lifestyle a high priority.

Traditional South-East Asian diets can be high-fat and carb-heavy, making it challenging to lose weight. 

It’s almost unheard of to eat outside of the ordinary, families tend to stick to traditional foods, even if they don’t fit into a healthier lifestyle.

And the help available…?

It’s rare to find a personal trainer, nutritionist or coach that understands the cultural significance of food in an Asian American home!

Even finding a programme is a challenge.

Finding a great quality programme…? Even harder.

It is hard to find top level, experienced coaching programmes that are tailored specifically to your needs…

But At KMAK Fitness, we understand these challenges, and work with our clients to create personalised plans that compliment their life in every aspect…


How We Helped Kishan:

South-East Asian Americans face an elevated risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and various other health issues. This is a big part down to genetics as well as a diet high in carbs.

All risks that Kishan was all too aware of when he came looking for our help.

The changes that we implemented for Kishan, can definitely work for you too. 

For him this meant incorporating familiar foods into his diet but in healthier proportions. We also educated him on making better food choices and managing portion sizes.

Here’s a list of some massive tips that we gave Kishan, and are sure to help you too:

  • Limit refined grains: Avoid white rice and white flour.
  • Choose whole grains: Opt for brown rice, quinoa, millet, and whole grain bread.
  • Try gluten-free grains: Use amaranth, buckwheat, and gluten-free rice if sensitive to gluten.
  • Don’t rinse your grains: Keep enriched vitamins in white rice by not rinsing.
  • Include fermented foods: Eat yoghurt, lassi, buttermilk, idli, and dosa for gut health.
  • Limit fried foods: Avoid vada, samosa, pakora, and plantain chips.
  • Limit sugary foods: Skip halwa, gulab jamun, cookies, and cakes.
  • Drink fewer sugary beverages: Reduce juice, soda, and sweet tea; use coconut water after workouts.
  • Eat fruit as a dessert or snack: Choose small fruits or berries.
  • Use sugar substitutes: Replace white sugar with coconut sugar, honey, or stevia.
  • Load up on non-starchy vegetables: Eat plenty of cauliflower, leafy greens, and peppers.

Parting Words

Kishan’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to take control of your health. 

Whether you’re a healthcare professional struggling with the demands of your job or working from home and finding it hard to stay active, there’s always a way to turn things around. 

At KMAK Fitness, we’re here to help you on your journey to better health and fitness. We are proud of the work we are doing in helping people live the life they have always wanted…

And we would take massive pride in doing the same for you.

Ready to take the first step?

Let’s start your journey to a healthier, happier you. 

Remember, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel, and we will always be here to help you reach it.

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